Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Scientific Invstigation of Occult Vampires?

Can a scientist investigate the occult without imposing his own narrow views? Can an occultist investigate science without imposing his own narrow views?

It could once be said that all religion has a supernatural element to it. Today, maybe not. Scientology, Realienism, and other bizarre cults, even 'atheism' can be said, are religions with little or no 'supernatural' basis whatsoever.

Science could also be considered a religion.

There are new age cults today that attempt to make their followers believe that they have scientifically proven their religious beliefs. Transcendental Meditation Inc, has suggested this. Many new age religions suggest they've uncovered a sort of universal unified theory combining supernatural concepts with scientific ones.

One fact is, religion gave birth to science. Without the money and power of the Catholic Church, the Ottoman empire, and even the Egyptian empire, which was a theocracy too, there would be no mathematics, no astronomy, no science.

Is the supernatural just unexplained nature?

If it is, who the hell do we believe and where does it begin and end? Can we only believe Stephen Hawkking, Albert Einstein and Michio Kaku?

Some only believe the Pope or the Dalai Lama. Some believe in weirder things and people that nobody has ever heard of.

Why the hell should you believe me? I might actually tell you, vampires are real.

"Vampires are real." The problem with such a statement, is that I have to presume you understand what I mean by 'vampires.'

This is the same as "God is real." Which God? Whose God? What kind of god? "God exists" is a statement which makes no sense whatsoever because it has no context.

I have a car.

You have one too.

There, we have the same thing.

No we don't.

I have a Mercedes, you have a Mazda. They are not the same.

"God exists."

Does he? Does 'it?'

What is God? Who is God? Anything or anyone could be concieved of as someone's 'god.' Therefore, so long as you worship one, it exists.

We have to be more specific.

Then we say, well, 'my' Bible says god is such and such a definition.

And you say, well, my Other Bible says god is such and such a definition.

At least with vampires, there is no clear source-specific dogma. Its been a mystery, still a mystery, with no definite declarations. Only in fiction.

We also have no blurry photographs, no secret files, no bite-mark evidence, not even a biological sample. Ufologists and Bigfoot hunters do.

We're not investigating vampires to roll out and do a disection. We're also not attempting to start a religion, or maintain one.

We are trying to find out, does this idea, vampire, actual mean anything, correlate to anything real? Is there, was there, can there be such a thing, if we can even decide, or figure out what it is?

What we can discern is, the main idea is this:

A vampire is the name for a condition. (In some respects however, symbolically or supernaturally, this is applied to some entities that are not considered human, nor ever were considered human, another trail to investigate)

It is a condition of a HUMAN BEING. It distinguishes, however, the human being from a state, which is not considered human any longer. It has two arms, two legs, a head, eyes, nose, mouth, feet, ears, etc, but has transitioned into another state of being altogether. It is a "post-human being." A type of person that no longer has the same habits, desires, emotions or central purposes a human being has, and with this, it has become a predator of human beings. It is an 'enemy' of human beings, it is still presumably capable of communicating, and performing many functions that human beings can, but has become so different that it CANNOT be considered human any more. It lives in an entirely different way, so different that it cannot ever hope to be integrated with the human race in any way whatsoever. Because it is a kind of parasite. For some reason, it steals what is inside human beings to either survive or maintain its condition.

This is what we can ascertain so far. This will begin to lead us in the right direction.

BUT...we will have to look at all the ideas and concepts, even debunk, explain, and understand a few in order to distinguish. Welcome to the Hunt.

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